“Saving Logan” from Cheating Destiny by Shanon Grey

“Wake up.”

The words settled in her mind and she blinked. The binder with her notes lay open on her lap and she was slumped down against the headboard of the bed. Strange dream voice.

“No time for thinking. Act. Man down.”

“What?” Meadow asked out loud, already off the side of the bed and slipping on her shoes.

“Grab your stones. Get the carton you brought up from the table in the storeroom. Hurry.”

She grabbed her stone and ran down the steps, calling, “Who are you?” She picked up the other stone, slipped it into her pocket, and grabbed the carton.

“In time. Go to the cave. Hurry. Not much time.”

Meadow didn’t hesitate, but grabbed the lantern, and keys, and ran down the steps. When she got to the cave, there was no one there. “What now?” she called. “There’s no one here.”

“Place the stones together on the floor touching the side wall. Place your hands on the wall and concentrate on opening it. Hurry.”

The urgency almost overwhelmed her. Without thinking, she did as she was told. She’d worry about following the instruction of a dream voice in her head later.

The stones on the floor started to glow. Energy, coming from somewhere outside of her, flowed into her and she pushed harder. A door, hidden by a stone façade began to move. She grunted and shoved. It gave and moved outward, into a cave.

A body lay on the ground. She grabbed the lantern and rushed into the tunnel. It was Logan, blood flowing from a wound on his side, a knife still sticking out. She dropped to the ground, reaching for the knife.

“Don’t. He’ll die. You have to trust me. I am going to enter you and take over.”

She looked up, scanning the tunnel. A dream. But she could smell the blood. Logan’s blood. “Okay.”

As soon as she thought the word, her mind felt fuzzy and she could sense something filling her being, pushing her down, taking over. She couldn’t breathe.

“Relax. Breathe normally. It’s only a sensation you are unfamiliar with. Let me work.”

She could feel her body kneeling on the ground, one hand grabbing the knife while the other eased over the open wound and energy flowed from her into Logan’s body. Like Sim. She could sense whatever entity was in her searching through the body, seeking the arteries, the organs. She couldn’t see, but she could sense.

“I can close the injuries. He’s lost a lot of blood. I couldn’t do this from inside of him. I needed your energy. When I leave your body, call the doctor. He needs blood. Your blood.”

As soon as the words settled in her mind, she was back. Her hand, covered in blood, was pressing over the site where the wound had been. She edged up the side of her hand. The wound was closed.

She wiped her trembling hand on her pants and pulled out her phone, hitting Mike’s number.


“Mike, it’s Meadow. I don’t have time to explain. I have a man here who needs blood. I believe he’s a descendant.”

“I put Tim’s number in your phone. Call him. He’s in Aberdeen. He was going to call you tomorrow.”

She didn’t say goodbye. She hung up and called Tim’s number, telling him it was an emergency, gave some facts, and to come to the Carriage House, giving directions. She hung up.

“I can’t carry him,” she said to the empty tunnel. “Help me.”

Without words, she felt the same sensation as before and she knew the entity was taking over. The energy flowed through her and she sensed they were moving. When she came back into her mind, Logan was on her bed.

“Thank you,” she said to the room. There was no response.

Logan was pale and his breathing shallow. She reached over and touched his face. “Logan, can you hear me. Hang on. Help is coming.”

When a pounding on the door sounded, she flew down the stairs and pulled open the door to Tim, holding his bag, with Celeste next to him.

“Thank you.” She turned and ran up the steps with him following.

She stood to the side, her arms across her stomach, and watched as he went to the bed.

“The wounds closed. Did you do this?”

“Yes. But not like you think.”


Cheating Destiny by Shanon Grey is available in both Digital and Print on Amazon:  Cheating Destiny

Cheating Destiny by Shanon Grey is available on Books2Read (Draft2Digital) for various vendors: https://books2read.com/u/bod7qA

Please visit her author page on Amazon for her other fabulous stories where science and magic merge: Shanon Grey

Stay up-to-date on other Shanon Grey books and events by visiting her website at: www.ShanonGrey.com

You can also visit Shanon Grey – FictionWeaver on FaceBook or X (formerlyTwitter) @ShanonGrey.

You can write her at shanongreybooks@yahoo.com She would love to hear from you.

About Shanon Grey

I am a Fiction::Weaver, weaving stories of suspense, action, and mystery where science and magic merge.
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